Congresso SGI-SIMP (2-5 settembre 2024) - Sessione T63. Stratigraphic and morphological markers of extreme events during the Quaternary\

Eventi da segnalare
Data: Lunedì 2 Settembre 2024 08:00 - Giovedì 5 Settembre 2024 16:00

Luogo: bari

Gentili Soci

su indicazione del Dott. Giovanni Monegato (CNR-IGG), vi segnaliamo la sessione T63. Stratigraphic and morphological markers of extreme events during the Quaternary

La sessione, co-organizzata da AIQUA e da AIGEO, avrà come conveners Giuseppe Mastronuzzi (Università di Bari Aldo Moro) e Giovanni Monegato (CNR Padova). Il Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP si terrà a Bari dal 2 al 5 Settembre 2024.

Scadenza per la sottomissione degli abstract: 26 Aprile 2024 ore 19.00 

Ulteriori informazioni sulla sessione sono riportate qui sotto e all’indirizzo

Con un saluto cordiale,



T63. Stratigraphic and morphological markers of extreme events during the Quaternary

The Quaternary is marked by deep variations in geological dynamics at different temporal and areal scales. Endogenic processes (tectonics and geodynamics) and exogenic ones (e.g.: climate variations, sea level changes, glacier dynamics and, lastly, human activity), often together, activated dynamics that have dramatically modified the landscape in a short time span, sometime instantaneously.

Both continental and marine environments, as well as transitional ones, have undergone changes due to the impact of tectonic and volcanic events, climate variations and the related changes in glacier extent, sea level and precipitation distribution. These changes led to dramatic variations in the relief energy. Some environments, in particular continental sedimentary basins (e.g.: alluvial plains and lake areas) and marine and transitional ones (e.g.: ocean floors, continental shelf and lagoon areas), recorded accumulation of sediments, which testify the occurrence of extreme events. On the other hand, coastal areas and river catchments, periglacial and glacial areas could have been strongly shaped by their occurrence, exacerbated by the increase in the relief energy.

The focus of this session is:

Highlighting stratigraphic and morphological markers of the impact of extreme events at different time scales during the Quaternary.

Propose a correlation at local, regional and where possible global scale of their evidence.

CONVENERS: Giuseppe Mastronuzzi (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Giovanni Monegato (CNR Padova)

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Altre date

  • Da Lunedì 2 Settembre 2024 08:00 a Giovedì 5 Settembre 2024 16:00

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