6th Regional Scien fic Mee ng on Quaternary Geology: Seas, Lakes and Rivers - Postponed to 2021

Eventi con patrocinio AIQUA
Data: Mercoledì 7 Ottobre 2020 00:00 - Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 00:00

Luogo: Ljubljana, Slovenia  |  Città: Lubiana, Slovenia

Postponed to 2021


The mee ng is dedicated to researchers working on Quaternary geology, geomorphology, stra graphy and related subjects. The mee ng is primarily intended as an opportunity to bring together researchers working in the Adria c, Alpine, Dinaric and Pannonian regions, however par cipants more involved in other regions are also warmly welcome. The theme of the mee ng “Seas, Lakes and Rivers” will be the focus of keynote lectures and the field excursion. Par cipants are kindly encouraged to present their work related to the theme of the mee ng or other Quaternary topics.


Lubiana, Slovenia


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Altre date

  • Da Mercoledì 7 Ottobre 2020 00:00 a Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 00:00

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