Gentili Soci

su indicazione della Prof.ssa Alessandra Negri, in occasione della prosima EGU General Assembly 2025 di Vienna (27 aprile– 2 maggio2025) vi segnaliamo la sessione Deoxygenation Events in the Geological Archive and Modern Settings: Proxies, Models, and Environmental Impacts.

Scadenza per la sottomissione degli abstract: 15 gennaio 2025.

Ulteriori informazioni sulla sessione sono riportate qui di seguito nel messaggio inviatoci dai conveners e all’indirizzo

Con un saluto cordiale.


Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to submit an abstract to our session at the upcoming EGU General Assembly 2025 in Vienna (27 April – 2 May 2025;

Although the word QUATERNARY is not explicit, the session cover the whole Phanerozoic, and considering that events like Sapropels occur in the Quaternary, we think it could be of interest for the Quaternary Community of marine geologists.

Deoxygenation Events in the Geological Archive and Modern Settings: Proxies, Models, and Environmental Impacts
Conveners: Alan M. Mancini, Gianluca Marino, Alessandra Negri

The full session description is appended to this message.

This session will focus on exploring the critical issue of ocean deoxygenation—both past and present—and we aim to bring together a dynamic group of researchers from across the globe. We are particularly interested in contributions that delve into 

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