Geositi e GSSP - Le attività del Dipartimento Difesa della Natura dell'APAT

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Il Quaternario Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 21(1A), 2008, 75-80
Luciano BONCI, Tiziana MEZZETTI & Gabriella RAGO

The Italian Agency for Environmental Protection (APAT) is the Italian body responsible for the protection of the environment and for the collection and management of environmental data, and develops an important activity on Geosites.
APAT is setting up a working group within Geological Coordination Committee between State, Regions and Autonomy Provinces (Comitato di Coordinamento Geologico tra lo Stato, le Regioni e le Province Autonome C.C.S.R.) to validate geosites and to insert it in The National Geosites Atlas, and a working group within Italian Commision on Stratigraphy (Commissione Italiana di Stratigrafia) to protect and to valorize the GSSP.

Abstract (PDF)

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