Codici di nomenclatura stratigrafica - I codici di nomenclatura stratigrafica negli ultimi cinquant'anni

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Il Quaternario Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 21(1A), 2008, 7-8
Maria Bianca CITA

The first Italian Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature was published in 1968 by the Geological Survey of Italy. Co-authored by A. Azzaroli and M.B. Cita with the collaboration of R. Selli, it was realized under the auspices of the “Comitato Geologico” chaired by A.Desio. Simple, pragmatic, concise, it was inspired by the International Guide authored by the chair of the International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC) H.D. Hedberg, to be published in 1976. The very rapid development of stratigraphy
in the last thirty years with the introduction of new methodologies, an integrated approach to chronocorrelation and the availability of an immense data set deriving from the scientific exploration of the oceans and of remote areas of our planet requires updates and implementations of the guides. The Italian Commission on Stratigraphy, in collaboration with the Geological Survey, prepared a new version, published in 2003. A new version of the International Guide is also under preparation, with a bottom up approach involving specialists of the various subdisciplines currently used in Stratigraphy.

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