La stratigrafia in Italia. inquadramento storico, stato dell'arte, dibattito sui problemi emergenti (breve resoconto sul workshop)

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Il Quaternario Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 21(1A), 2008, 5-6
Maria Bianca CITA

The second Workshop of the renovated Italian Commission on Stratigraphy, held during two days (September 10 and 11, 2007) at the 6th Italian Forum of Geological Sciences is here reported. After an initial historical introduction, special attention was given to the GSSPs defined or proposed in Italy, to the Geosites, to the relevance of stratigraphic principles in official geological maps. The newly published volumes of the Catalogue of Italian formations were commented and distributed. Finally, the present debate on the status of the Quaternary was discussed without reaching a consensus position.

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